PROTOCOL: Group‐based community interventions to support the social reintegration of marginalised adults with mental illness.


Nina T. Dalgaard

Maya C. F. Jensen

Elizabeth Bengtsen

Karl F. Krassel

Mikkel H. Vembye


July 14, 2022

The main objective is to explore the general efficacy of group-based community interventions aimed at supporting marginalised adults with mental illness and related problems on outcomes such as problem behaviour, subjective well-being, homelessness, poverty and employment. Furthermore, the objective is to explore the potential advantages/disadvantages of using a group-based versus an individual intervention when targeting specific problems or when using specific types of interventions.

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BibTeX citation:
  author = {Dalgaard, Nina T. and Jensen, Maya C. F. and Bengtsen,
    Elizabeth and Krassel, Karl F. and Vembye, Mikkel H.},
  title = {PROTOCOL: {Group‐based} Community Interventions to Support
    the Social Reintegration of Marginalised Adults with Mental
  journal = {Campbell Systematic Reviews},
  pages = {1-23},
  date = {2022-07-14},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1002/cl2.1254},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Dalgaard, N. T., Jensen, M. C. F., Bengtsen, E., Krassel, K. F., & Vembye, M. H. (2022). PROTOCOL: Group‐based community interventions to support the social reintegration of marginalised adults with mental illness. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 1–23.